The Constitution guarantees the fundamental rights of due process and equal protection to every person in this country, regardless of their immigration status.

When 科罗拉多州ans live in fear of deportation at the hands of our local law enforcement, 政府官员, or by the mere act of walking out the door, 我们的州更不安全, 不太健康, and it does not represent our 科罗拉多州 values. The ACLU of 科罗拉多州 is committed to disrupting the deportation pipeline, ending cruel and inhumane practices at immigration detention facilities, and protecting state and local resources from being co-opted by federal immigration enforcement.

Utilizing the strengths of our entire organization, ACLU of 科罗拉多州 engages litigation, 政策, 社区外展, and public education to protect the rights of immigrants living in our state. We are embarking on a full-scale campaign and mobilizing our activists and supporters to ensure every city, 县, and district in our state respects the fundamental civil liberties and civil rights of all people, including immigrants living in our communities.

Immigration Detention Reform
在过去的十年里,美国的经济增长迅速.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has detained and deported millions of people from the United States. 现在, the federal government is pursuing a mass deportation agenda to detain and deport as many immigrants as possible; no matter costs to civil rights and family unity.

More than 1500 people are being held in prolonged detention at the for-profit GEO Facility in Aurora, 科罗拉多州.  媒体报道, 诉讼, and internal reviews have uncovered abuse, 忽视, and substandard medical care.
We are urging local and state lawmakers to find alternatives to long-term immigrant detention and to pursue real oversight and accountability for immigrant detention facilities operating within 科罗拉多州.

Ending Cooperation between local Law Enforcement and ICE
Many 科罗拉多州 families fear calling 911 during an emergency because all too often that ends up placing family members into the deportation pipeline.  By allowing local law enforcement agencies to collaborate with federal immigration agents, we are deepening the mistrust in our communities, thus making us all less safe.

We are committed to working with our local law enforcement and community members to grow back trust in our emergency services system. We want to ensure that all community members have an equal opportunity to call 911 without fear of being separated from their families.

Public Education and 了解你的权利
The fundamental constitutional protections of due process and equal protection embodied in our Constitution and Bill of Rights apply to every person, regardless of immigration status. When the government has the power to deny these fundamental rights to one vulnerable group, everyone’s rights are at risk.

We offer educational resources and free 了解你的权利 trainings to inform community members of their rights and how to protect them when dealing with law enforcement or when ICE shows up at their door.

Know your Rights and 消息灵通 - 链接到KYR内容
Attend one of our events in your area to show support for immigrant rights - Link to upcoming events page
Contribute to our work - 连结至捐款网页

